The smartest financing for your company

Benefit from the advantages of different financing instruments, individually tailored to you.
Turnkey Finance - Corporate Finance for the Mittelstand
0 +

years of  experience in corporate finance

0 k+

corporate financing organized

0 k+

sources of capital

What does Turnkey Finance mean?

Turnkey Finance stands for turnkey financing. You will receive the most suitable and smartest financing for your company’s individual situation.

Benefits with turnkey finance

Eine Frau hält ein Tablet und kann zwischen verschiedenen Dienstleistern von Turnkey Finance auswählen

Access to the right service providers

The right service providers are often crucial to success – that’s why we give you access to proven specialists from our network to implement targeted solutions.

Ein Mann am Schreibtisch erstellt am Laptop eine Übersicht und Auswahl der richtigen Finanzierungsinstrumente

Overview and Selection of the right financing instruments

Apart from bank loans, there are still countless financing options. We will give you an overview of your individual options and help you make the right choice.

Eine Hand hält Münzen

Access to the right sources of capital

We provide a professional and efficient approach, guiding you through the financing process seamlessly. Benefit from our extensive network, including family offices, crowdlending, business angels, institutional investors, and more.

Process for your ideal Financing solution

Definition eines Transaktionsziels

1. Transaction Goal

We advise you on your desired transaction goal (outcome) regarding which financial instruments are suitable and what is realistic in your current situation and in the current financing market. 

Entwicklung einer Investment Story mit Turnkey Finance

2. Investment Story

After engagement and an advance payment, we analyze your business and develop a coherent investment story that is compelling to financiers and back it up with the right numbers.

Dealmaking bei Turnkey Finance

3. Dealmaking

Based on the developed investment story, we identify the appropriate financiers. Together we approach them, persuade them, negotiate and sign the deal with the financier.

Betreuung über die Laufzeit des Kapitals

4. Support

After the conclusion of a transaction, we stay in close contact with you and support you with ongoing reporting and follow-on financing.



Contact us

We advise you personally and independently so that you get the best financing solution for your company

+43 5574 47192-0



What our customers say about us

“As a consultant, Harald is competent and pragmatic. Thanks to his support, a complex project could be advanced very well. Another project in the insurance sector was also very successfully initiated and completed. I can only recommend Harald and his team. Pragmatic, competent and trustworthy.”

Albert Loaker / AFES Group

“I have had a long and successful business relationship with Harald Pöttinger. His expertise goes beyond the core area of ​​corporate finance and is complemented by analytical skills, creativity and a high degree of personal authenticity. He and his team are broad and complementary and work quickly and efficiently.”

Harald Schürz / Equity One Management GmbH

“Extremely creative ideas for the implementation of our financing project. The solution was perfectly tailored to the shareholder structure and their interests, so that there were also tax advantages. I can only recommend!”

Verklickern GmbH

Arrange a free initial Consultation

We specialize in corporate finance and financing solutions, and we are delighted to provide our expertise in support of your company/project.

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